My name is Anna, I'm from Switzerland. I currently live in Ecuador.
After completing my Bachelors degree for teaching in 2015, I started teaching German, but also English and French.
My courses are based on the level, goals and interests of the student. I focus especially on communication. For beginners, we start with structured sentences and everyday topics. I often talk to advanced students about interests and factual topics. I adapt my courses to the student and according to his/her needs we do vocabulary training, grammar exercises, writing or other tasks. That way allows you to advance quickly and improve your language skills remarkably.
I work with various materials, including a teaching aid that I will share with you online for free.
I love to travel and languages are very important to me. Next to my German classes, I teach yoga workshops, love to read and write, make music, go hiking or travel.
Through my education and travel I have learned a variety of languages including English, Spanish and French. So I know that learning a language can be challenging, but it is totally worth it and a lot of fun!
Let’s get started!
I am looking forward to meeting you!
German version:
Ich heisse Anna, bin aus der Schweiz. Ich lebe zurzeit in Ecuador. Nach dem Abschluss an der Universität als Lehrperson im Jahr 2015, begann ich Kinder und Erwachsene in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch zu unterrichten.
Meine Kurse richten sich nach Niveau, den Zielen und den Interessen des Studierenden. Die Kommunikation steht bei mir im Fokus. Bei Anfängern beginnen wir mit strukturierten Sätzen. Mit fortgeschrittenen Studierenden spreche ich oft über Aktuelles, Interessen und Sachthemen. Ich passe meine Kurse den Studierenden an und je nach Bedarf machen wir Wortschatztraining, Grammatikübungen oder andere Aufgaben. So machst du schnell Fortschritte.
Ich arbeite mit verschiedenem Material, darunter mit einem Lehrmittel, das ich dir kostenlos online zur Verfügung stellen kann.
Neben dem Unterrichten gebe ich Yogaworkshops, lese und schreibe gerne, mache Musik, gehe wandern oder reise. Es ist zugleich herausfordernd und schön, eine Sprache zu lernen und es macht viel Spass!
Ich freue mich darauf, dich kennenzulernen!
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44 Lessons | July 20, 2023
I returned to my German classes after two months and I am so pleased to restart my classes with Anna. She is the best teacher I have ever had. She is patient, kind and makes learning fun. I highly recommend her.
44 Lessons | May 27, 2023
I was away for almost one month, I went to Switzerland to Zurich, where I was able to use my German. I was able to talk so fluently and also read. This is thanks to Anna; she is the best. I am really thankful to her that I felt so confident with my German. Viviana Bruck
12 Lessons | March 26, 2023
Had some 3 or 4 lessons already with Anna. For now, we always talked about topics that were recent/pressing for me, e.g. fine-tuning how I could express myself in a job interview. I like the flexibility around the topics and the help and coaching she gives me. I would definitely recommend her to other learners.
44 Lessons | March 21, 2023
I am so happy to have Anna as a teacher, she is so resourceful, she always so well prepared for each lesson, her classes are amazing. If someone is looking for a German teacher, I highly recommend her. Viviana Bruck